The third National Dialogue on Security and Human Rights in Ghana was held on the 22nd February 2017 in Accra, bringing together companies, civil society, and government. The dialogue took place as part of the Fund For Peace (FFP) and the West Africa Network for Peace Building, Ghana (WANEP-Ghana) program focused on supporting Ghana’s implementation of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPs). The 30-month program commenced in July 2015, and is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau for Democracy, Rights and Labor.
The program goal is to foster a more permissive and accepting environment for security and human rights implementation projects in Ghana. This is being done through a series of local training workshops and dialogues in the target areas where there are oil/gas or mining operations in the Upper East Region (Gbani near Bolgatanga), Western Region (Takoradi and Tarkwa), Volta Region (Keta), Brong-Ahafo Region (Kenyasi), and Ashanti Region (Obuasi). These local activities have been feeding into an established national-level forum, which have so far been held in July and October 2016, and most recently, on 22nd February 2017. In attendance at this third National Dialogue were representatives from key Ghana Government ministries including the Ghana Army and Navy, Ministry of the Interior, Petroleum Commission, Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, Minerals Commission, Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Ministry of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Private sector representatives included the Ghana Chamber of Mines, AngloGold Ashanti, Newmont Mining, Kosmos Energy, ENI Ghana, Tullow, and G4S. Civil society was represented by WANEP-Ghana, as well as the WANEP regional office, along with FFP and the media. International partners in attendance included the U.S., Australian, Canadian, Dutch, and Swiss governments.